Eduardo Moreno
Eduardo Moreno
Welcome to my portfolio!

Eduardo Moreno

, a front-end developer, and designer. Let me share some of my experience with you.
Speed Auto Repair
Bridgeline Exteriors
Cia da Musica
Rafael Perdigao
Joice Moreno
JP Painter Services
Top Line Masonry
Saira`s Boutique
Platinum Auto Care
Grupo Lasetronik
Keise Ferreira
ABF Construction
vs code

Hi, my name is Eduardo, I was born in Brazil in 1981, and I`m a Front-end Developer and Designer.

My journey began many years ago when I was a child and I started making and selling artworks on Corel Draw (v.3). In 2003 I graduated with a degree in Design.

Over the course of my career, I worked on many projects, including graphic design (branding, printing, marketing) and web development. I still remember all those old apps I used to use, like Microsoft FrontPage, Dreamweaver, and the awesome Macromedia/Adobe Flash.

In 2005, I made hybrid tableless websites by using HTML 4.1, CSS 2, and embedded flash applications as web hero content. Customers used to love this combination. Got headaches to make some CSS features work on IE v5.5 though, lol...

In 2008 I started to learn and use javascript, and of course, the powerful and beloved jQuery, thanks to John Resig! That allowed me to make more interactive websites with great features like routing (using the JS history API) and AJAX. In more recent years, I learned Sass, Grunt, Gulp, Webpack, Vue.js, Vuex, React, NextJs, Typescript, and GraphQl. The seek for knowledge never stops, so I keep moving forward, studying and learning more every day.

Well, I think that`s it for now...

Thank you for getting this far reading my summarized career timeline.